Usr/local/bin/ No Such File Or Directory

Fatal error stdio h no such file or directory
  1. Errno 2 No Such File Or Directory
  2. Usr/local/bin/ No Such File Or Directory Free

Aug 28, 2017 - victorneo, I got problem running this script $ sh mac -dev (ignored.) mac: line 110: /usr/local/bin/ No such file or directory.


Errno 2 No Such File Or Directory

In my case, I had previously installed virtualenvwrapper using apt-get install virtualenvwrapper and later uninstalled it using apt-get remove virtualenvwrapper, which left the 'configuration' file /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper behind. This bash completion definition was sourced by bash (it had nothing to do with my.bashrc) and caused the error message. The solution was to run: sudo apt-get purge virtualenvwrapper Which purged all files related to virtualenvwrapper.

Usr/local/bin/ No Such File Or Directory Free

The reason I uninstalled it was to use pip's version instead (more up-to-date), which can be installed globally using: sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper. Following, I found that the error occurred when sourcing the virtualenvwrapper bash script, i.e.: source /usr/local/bin/ The script references the file /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper as pointed out by arcticfeather. Open up the script using the following command: sudo nano /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper This is where the non-existent file is being referenced.

Simply replace /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/ with /usr/local/bin/ and you should be good to go!